Proper placement of hands on the keyboard.
Start typing course
In the course you can choose other keyboards.
- Each set of keys must be pressed with the finger of the same color.
- Hands should be in the air, do not lean on the keyboard or table.
- After pressing any key, the finger should return to the position you see in the picture.
- In making the typing course try not looking at the keyboard, just look at the screen.
Key Types:
- Direct characters (eg a,b,c,1,2,3), pressing and ready.
- Characters upper or top position in the key (eg A,B,C,?"), It must hold one of the two keys "shift "
and press the desired key.
- Characters to the right on the key (Eg @,#,€), must be taken down "Alt Gr"
and press the desired key.
- Using the tilde (eg á, é, í, o, u), one must press the tilde key
and release and then press the letter you should have the tilde.